Category Archives: Uncategorized

New Blog

Hi all, as you have probably noticed, there hasn’t been a lot of activity on this blog for some time now. I have been working on a new blog on which I will post as of today. See for … Continue reading

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Linking Oracle BBED in 11g

Warning: I use the Oracle Block Browser and Edit tool (bbed) for studying the internal structure of database blocks. Be very careful using the tool, you can destroy blocks using this tool so make sure you know what you are … Continue reading

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Grid Infra – ASM bug on Solaris – slice 2 CANDIDATE

We recently ran into a bug (at least that how I look at it) that is introduced with ASM As of this version, ASM shows slice 2 (the complete disk, starting a cylinder 0 thus inlcuding the VTOC) as … Continue reading

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DBMS_METADATA – Quickstart

The DBMS_METADATA is a powerful package that offers the retrieval of metadata from the data dictionary as XML or DDL and to submit XML to re-create an object. In this post I will show you how you can quickly generate … Continue reading

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